Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Review: Immortals

Review: Immortals



Immortals (Amazon Instant Video)
By Henry Cavill

Tarsem Singh is truly a genius when it comes to artistic movie-making, as done before in his film "The Fall," which was one of the best dramas i have ever seen. Mickey Rourke was just incredible as the evil and merciless Hyperion, who just about brutally murdered everyone in his way. Henry Cavill was convincing as Theseus but could have done a bit better. Luke Evans was great as a younger-looking Zeus, and Freida Pinto was just beautiful eye candy as Phaedra, one of Hyperion's virgin oracles. As this film is impossible to not be compared to 300, i have to say, i think this one wins the war; 300 was a very incredible ACTION movie, but not as a whole complete film. It gave us a tiny bit of story in the beginning, little character development, and all action throughout the second and third halves of the film. Immortals on the other hand, mixed the action with story, carefully pacing the awesome visuals and fighting with dialogue and confrontations between characters. The visuals, by the way, were top-notch and i have no idea why it didn't make it onto the list for Best Visual Effects for the Oscars. I have to say though, it was mainly disappointing because of its short run time, but if they release a sequel, i am fully on-board for it, as a sequel is needed to complete this large and expanding story that preserves the classic "Gods needing a mortal hero" story line.

4.5/5 Stars***

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